Electrosub , the business and professional forum for the electronics industry, closed its doors successfully.

Electrosub Conference and Exhibition, the long-awaited, niche business and professional event for the electronics industry, took place at the Terminal 1 Event Center from 11-13 October.

A total of 89 exhibitors participated in Electrosub, with exhibitors presenting on 62 stands covering 827 m2. The conference featured 52 presentations by renowned national and international speakers. The event was supported by 30 sponsors, 7 major professional organisations and 7 trade media.

The event was visited by 1152 visitors, with a total of 186 registrations.

Electrosub’s side event was the Soldering Competition, organised by the prestigious American professional association IPC. The competition was attended by 50 professionals and 17 students.

The winner was István Bidlek of Elektromont Ltd.

In conjunction with the event, and as a tradition, one of Electrosub’s gold sponsors, D&Társa Bt.  “The professional jury awarded the prize to Gábor Sike.